Hmmm....I'm not quite sure what this is, but I think FLCL was referencing this during "Brittle Bullet". It's a bunny girl meeting all these pop culture cartoon characters from Star Wars, Alien, Predator, Transformers, Batman, Superman, plus many more I probably don't recognize. The video is low quality, thought it was interesting though. Here's the info that was along with the clip.
"A short animation made by the founders of GAINAX way back in 1983. In the recent, popular J-Dorama "Densha Otoko" which's opening was a homage to Daicon IV, and helped spark interest to a new generation of anime fans."
Gainax made "FLCL", "Evangelion", "RE: Cutie Honey", plus a bunch of other stuffs.
poor bri....At lest the monkey is cute. I understand your pain.
My butt hurts. One day I will buy a butt that is made to stand the pressure of sitting for long periods of time. One day I will have animator butt. wow I wrote this and hundres of bloggers will see
animator butt is not good. It makes pants fit bad, makes you grumpy, and makes you not want to stand up. I think the bunny girl has animator butt. I want to beat up Darth Vader. That is how grumpy I am.
i like that monkey. what show are you freelancing for?
It is for a pitch, not for a show or specific studio. A good thing is anything that doesn't get approved I can use for the portfolio. Hee heee....
Again Brianne... you are really a Japanese girl maybe you should be called "Hokkaido melon-farm girl"! You should become a manga/animation historian or something. 80's manga is awesome! Is that a clip from Cutie Honey ...they made a scarey live action movie based on that manga. (it scares me) Great MONKEY and I like the colours!
ahh Daicon 4 is one of my favs, haved you seen daicon 3 as well?
This intro is the only thing I've seen. It looks like an interesting show.
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