Doodling for a commision. Hsien-ko from Darkstalkers videogame. What's with the green arm? I dunno, must have some pent up aggression or something. Here are some crazy metallic unicorn stickers I found in j-town this weekend. Is this supposed to be the illegitimate child of Unico? Happy Unicorn! Unicorn Dream! With their powers combined, everything turns stupid!

Scary green girl.
I luv the characters from that video game, especial felicia. Do ya get to draw her too
I may post some furry action. Felicia's kinda disturbing, but she's got blue hair so that's cool. I'm supposed to draw Morrigan too.
Is the sexy green girl Morgan from dark stakers? Without her awesome guns??
Nope, I just had alot of green markers laying around. I did alot of icky sketches of her already though.
the commission looks really cool! I also like the green girl a whole lot!! :) Yeay!
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