I had a chocolate chip scone the other day. It was yummy! Oooh!!! On the Moon 4 is up. I love Insanity Prawn Boy and Toast King. I have to get up early to move my car. They are fixing pipes in the parking garage. I will go on an early morning adventure.
ah she is cute, I love the reds, I want her hair color
Choclate fairies bring most people much joy. . . but if I had a vanilla icecream fairy I'd be the happiest little vampire in the world.
Yay... a new source for a daily BD art fix. (So sad we all can't just walk down the hall and hang in each other's offices no more...) Keep up the posts; me likey. Chocco scones are good for your creativity.
I want red swirly hair too! Hey Chris! Someday we will meet again, and there will be alot of post it drawings on doors.... I miss Miss Mindy's cube door. boo......
I love your style and everything on your site. Keep it up!
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