Look at all the stuff!

Old mermaid. Kinda looks like the freelance I am doing now.

The gallery in Hollywood where Mary's skullheads where.

This scary hippie was hanging out by the paintings. I was scared to get close. His red eyes devour the souls of those who get to close!

An old friend Tiffany had artwork up there too. I hadn't seen her in along time, she is doing well. I like their goofy faces.

Photos from the "Three Trees Make a Forest" gallery at Nucleus.

For people who couldn't be in LA for the opening. I'm sure they'll post pictures soon on the gallery's website.

My family sent Skippy a box. He is happy.

Skippy like espresso bean Choxie. He was helping me with my portfolio.

Think he had a little too much Choxie. He is the party animal, wearing a lamp shade on his head.

Skippy's naked!

He's a sleeping. He has a heart.
A horrible video my bro found.
Trouble with kitty.
i like yr mermaid and yr kitty! cute!!!
Oh Skippy. You are always good for a laugh. Thanks bri for takin' pics. that's the dude that asked me about my paintings. No wonder he was lookin' at them all night if he was perched right next to them.
Yeah, that dude was kinda annoying. He liked your paintings so much, he just had to be in the photo!
he is cute and likes the Mary's work. WOO hoo mary has cute groupies. Skippy is Bri's #1 fan thats why he does silly things all the time
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