I found another bad cg animation. So bad.
Bad eva dancing
Dropped my portfolio off at some studios yesterday. More droppings tomorrow. Hee hee....droppings. I feel like a moose. "Here Nickelodeon, would you like some moose droppings?" Maybe I should go to bed. Printing, cutting, pasting, and no play makes Bri a dull girl.
wow! now a morgan drawing? your drawing my type of stuff now!!!
fanboy pics are the shizzle ferizzle!
i propose that we all draw a fanboy pic of a certain character which i cant think of at the moment, and see how they come out. just like the constipated turtle!!
Yes, Morrigan brings all the fan-boys to the yard. I think we should all draw She-ra. (although I never liked her, but I haven't seen to many fan drawings of her.)
heck ya!!! she-ra would be awesome! lets do it!
I like this drawing of Morrigan from dark stalkers. She was one of my favorite character to play on videogames!!! I wish you finished her feet!!!
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