It is from the year 2000, and involves romance, hotdogs, and a date at the movies. It was drawn in pencil and crayon (oh I thought I was being a clever 19 year old! Ha.) It is horrible, horrible, horrible, but appropriate for Valentine's Day!
I tried looking for my old storyboards and sketches, but thankfully they are mostly hidden away in a dark basement in Washington State. I found some xeroxes.
A drawing full of tangents!!

Hamsters drawn on a Wendy's napkin!!

A calendar I made for myself and friends so we'd get our films turned in on time! (I totally finished on the 15th, but worked thru spring break missing a trip to Japan. Stupid, stupid!)

The film was colored with crayons I stole from restaurants in Valencia, CA. Mostly the macaroni and cheese crayola. I got this one when a bunch of us went to Macaroni Grill for Easter. They have fancy crayolas there. And diarrhea.

I kept them in this fancy Elmo tin my Grandma Pat had sent me full of cookies!

I had to pull the film from an old VHS. I'm pretty sure my Jaz drive still works, I dropped the stupid thing down the stairs multiple times. I think it's a vampire. Alot of people had to buy multiple drives because they kept dying. Even if mine still works, the technology is outdated. I don't know how to get the files off, they're Targa anyway. The CD I had of everything burned on just confuses my computers. I have a couple of DVD rams sitting around too. Hate those things

Here is my stupid maquette I made in Ranjo's class. It is dirty.

Skippy finds him delicious.

My sophomore year, one of the seniors was leaving fake tickets for people on their desks. I found this with all my crappy xeroxes.

Current stuffs. Been drawing mostly large muscled men at work, so I don't feel too bad about doodling a bunch of stupid girls.

I drew the angel in the middle while listening to Origa's version of "There Must be an Angel"
Thanks for sharing the sketches, they appear to be slightly healthier than how old disney animators used to let off steam...
Amazing, what a great post. I love you student films so much. Such a cool sculpt!
I had those same stickers!
I need to trade some post-it drawings with you; Your latest works are TOO DAMN COOL.
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In other words, keep being fucking awesome!
AH! That was cute and scary!!! @________@
ANd I definitely recognize that audio track :p ;)
Cute post it girls too!
Thanks guys! I miss animating! I have too much to do right now, but it's a good thing!
Battle- Yay! Trade! And I'll do your weird web award thingy soon, just have to get through some work first.
Kali-Hee! I used to have the entire mp3 rip of Big Apple City and Unico, but was stupid and didn't burn it to a cd. It sits alone, on the Jaz drive forever.
I'm suprised no one has commented on the music yet?
One of my old work buddies recognized it tho....
cool, you were a very talented 19 year old. The new stuff is cool too. I like the girl with the cat hat.
Wow, you were so good even back then!! I watched it a bunch of times, and then watched Love Shine a few times too. Your stuff spreads a lot of happy around!
Your post-its are really pretty...I like the girl jumping with the cat, and the strange but pretty fairy-like people.
P.S. I liked the Unico clips :)
I just wanna say I loove your stuff. the way you draw cats and hamsters etc make my face hurt from smiles.
oh, and your kitty skippy is a dollface. :D
Thank you for posting such amazing artworks. I usually visit your blog,
and feel very inspired by your different character designs.
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