Will he or won't he see his shadow? Dun Dun Dun!
Stuff that has nothing to do with Ground Hogz!
Wearing a cape shorter than your long hair is stupid.

I had the chance to be on a panel about animation at Loyola Marymount last Friday with Eric Canete, David Colman, David Gibson, Beth Sleven and William Wray. It was pretty cool hearing about everyones' different experiences with working in animation. The students were cute and friendly! They made me this awesome card! Thank you! Hope I didn't scare you guys too bad.

I think it was drawn by Jane Mahoney, someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Here is a special video! It was made by friend Abby Goldsmith loooong ago. We met for the first time when she was outputting this film to 3/4 in the computer lab my freshman year. It has a special place in my brain....
Hair longer than a cape might be stupid but that picture is just so great!
Goodness me, but that groundhog looks disgruntled....
OH, and I'm glad you liked the card, Brianne!
Isn't David Colman the guy who did that amazing animation of Mrs. Botz in the Simpsons pilot? The rest of it was a disaster and it was all redone, but that one scene was kept, and it's a gem. I can't find any info on Colman on the net, but on John K's blog he was identified in the comments of one post as the animator behind that scene.
Thanks Eddie!
Thank you Jane! I figured the groundhog would be grumpy from being awoken early in the morning from his hole. Just so reporters could see if he saw his shadow.
Zoran- I don't think that's the same David Colman. David was lead designer on "Class of 3000", worked on "Boondocks", has books on animal drawing, and does alot of character design development work. His blog is here http://davidcolman.blogspot.com
Sorry, I think that might be David CHAPman. My mistake.
No worries. You just expanded your artist knowledge.
sounds like an awesome panel! Your ground hog made me lol, for real!
Cute short cape girl!
I haven't been to Loyola in a while. I used to go a lot when I was attending Otis which is right down the street. I bet it was great!
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