Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Hope everyone is having a safe and relaxing weekend.
I made one last marker video, and there is a suprise at the end!
The music is by Keiko Takamura and the Shebangs. Keiko was nice enough to give me permission to use her music in the video. If you'd like to hear more, please checkout keikotakamuraandtheshebangs.bandcamp.com
There is an official music video for this song too! Grayscale video
So Billie is done and in the can. A can of marvelous magical mystery meat. Figuring out some exclusives for people who preorder directly from Immedium, and also will be doing some readings. 2011 is going to be busy and exciting!!

I'm heading to Comiket in Tokyo this Tuesday, and will be gone for awhile. I made some sketchbooks to take with me to treade with friends. There will also be much photo taking!
Enjoy the last week of 2010 everybody!