Monday, May 18, 2009


Oops, almost posted something too early. So there is this instead. It's a monster I drew for a friend. I asked him a question through email, and this was his answer. It's nice being able to see old friends again. It's also fun to leave ugly post-its on their desks when they go home early or are away in the bathroom.

Speaking of monsters, I got interviewed. One here, and a hideous video of horror here.


Chris Battle said...

HA-- Ya button-mashing poseur!! Awesome stoopid Post-It doodle!

LFW said...


it's okay, I'm a button mashing poser too when it comes to street fighter. Excellent interview skillz though miz drouhard.

cheers to you, and congrats on the gallery show


Jeffrey said...

It was a good show!

Unknown said...

I like it. Cute! (I wouldn't wanna be that cat though...)


Nico said...

Hahaha! Not sure if that cat is love-struck or just dead. Cute anyway though!!

david said...

haha that character is so funny. and i love the colors!

Anonymous said...

wow you are so popular. we'll be co-workers starting next week. boo ya!

Ryan Green said...

I love how your kitties emanate hearts when they die.

And way to keep your cool during the interview!

When she asked if you're a big fan of the game, you should have asked, "What game?" and stared awkwardly until she slipped away.

PotatoFarmGirl said...

Uhhhh....actually there was more to the interview. When she asked me what I did for a living she seemed really confused, or maybe she thought I was just really weird. They cut that all out. Anyway, you, Fawn, Stone, and Casey starting next week?! :O Crazy party time!

Ryan Green said...

We were on the fence about taking the position until they reminded us that you worked there. :)

I call a POST-IT BATTLE as soon as possible!