Anybody remember her? I know Miss Mindy does. We had that discussion a long time ago. Most people don't remember her. I've wanted to draw her for awhile, but I finally did (not as much time on these as I would've liked.) The above image is for The Autumn Society.
Here is the info:
80's Pop Show
@ Brave New Worlds
45 North 2nd Street
Old City, Philadelphia
Friday, June 5th, 6pm
Anyway, Herself the Elf was a line of toys that came out in the early 80's, probably to cash in on the popularity of Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Brite, Rose Petal's Place, etc. They were made by Mattel/American Greetings. The dolls must have done horribly because only two of my friends remember them, vaguely, and they are pretty easy to find on ebay. I used to play with them in the dirt, and thought they were neat with their spindly legs, weird hair, and bells on their clothing. They also had little plastic pointed shoes! There was a book that came out, I have/had it somewhere. I may have left it on accident on my last job at CN, so if anyone happens to see it, I'd be really happy to get it back. Hopefully it's just laying in an unopened box somewhere in my apartment. The book consists of screenshots of the pilot Nelvana made, and apparently was a mail away.
Here are some horrible cintiq doodles. I did some on paper, but am too lazy to scan.

The dolls were sooooo popular in the 80's, I was able to get one still in box for super cheap on ebay. She wasn't the only one for sale. She went to dinner with me....
My friends were not impressed. At all. This is how impressed they were:

Whatever. Have some green tea chai, Herself. We don't need them. No we don'ts.....precious.....
If this whole post isn't creepy enough, I was actually on a panel about animation production. Like I would know anything about that. Luckily, Marty, Derrick, and Matt spoke most of the time, since they know that stuff pretty well. Thank you everyone I met at Botcon! Everyone was super nice!
Herself the Elf? What were they thinking? The past is a curious place and I prefer to keep it at arm's length...
Also, did the attendees of that panel actually keep on topic or did they keep asking st ory or positioning questions?
Meant to say "hey" at Botcon, but didn't get a chance. Wanted to let you know that I've been a fan of your painter-ly style of work for a while. Thanks for showing up at the TFA panel for all of us fans.
Wow, and I thought myself pretty au fait with 80's girl toys. I have NEVER heard of this little girl.
Mind you, not EVERYTHING made it to Australia, so that may be why.
But we also escaped the horror of Menudo, so small mercies ;)
Love the Cintiq doodles!
hee!! I totally remember herself the elf!! : D
Nice art!
Also I didn't even know botcon was in Pasadena. I would have liked to attend and meet up with you and derrick.
:< good work on animated PFG.
Sonictail- There wasn't a lot of time for questions, I think most of the ones asked where common knowledge. I was pretty tired that day so I might be forgetting important stuff.
Floating Cat- Thanks! I hope you had fun on your trip!
Amy- I guess she wasn't very popular in the USA either. Funny how the fad in the 80's was groups of girls, centered around one girly theme."
Jeffrey-I wasn't sure if the panel was actually happening until the day before, or I would have given some warning. There wasn't a whole lot of new stuff shown, except for the Studio 4c shorts. Hopefully all of them will end up on a dvd. Friday was a pretty crazy day. @.@ Had to run to the Grove right after the con. What is PFG? I'm confused. :(
Hell Yeah! I remember Herself the Elf. I sill have the VHS, but lost the book, and totally destroyed the dolls. They don't have a single shoe left and just about every snap has fallen off their dresses. Terribly sad. But I sure did love that herself the elf. A whole lot. I'm glad somebody else in this world remembers her.
PFG-> Potato Farm Girl. And by animated i meant "Transformers: Animated".
Though animated PFG sounds like a good series.
my spoon is too big.
Maybe your face is too small for your spoon? Oh no I didn't!
OH SNAP!!!! I'm making you return your dress and get an ugly cut and color!!!! hee
OH YEAH? Just wait till I get married! Yellowy lime potato sack for you!!!
Congratulations friend of Brianne.
Awesome Brianne! Thank-you!
Oh, jesus. . . you and val are SOOO Mature. . . no wedding rambling in comments and thanks for the blurry picture. . . I look stoned. . . but what else is new, my unamused looks a lot more like stoned I guess. Next time I'll bring my misfit dolls to play *cough beat up cough* Herself.
Booger-Takes one to know one, or something...it's 3am I don't have to make sense!
Lauren-Aww yes, the pilot. The elves were really mean to Wilfie in that cartoon. I think that's why he never got a toy.
Oh I LOVED Herself Elf WHen I was a kid!!!!!!
If by "horrible cintiq doodles" you mean "amazingly cute and completely awesome doodles", then I agree 100%! You rock, Brianne!!!!!
Oh wow! I would have totally loved that doll as a kid...I wasn't allowed to play with normal toys though! All my toys were made out of wood or glass! T__T
Anyhow, the doll is super cute, but your drawings are WAY cuter! They should do a new show with those drawings, and make you in charge, because they're amazing and appealing and everyone would wanna watch it. I want to draw like you!
P.S. I must be overly excited because when I had to type in the captcha word verification thing just now, I added an exclamation point.
I totally remember her! I used to watch the cartoon whenever it came on TV, and then I made all my little 3rd grade friends act it out with me on the playground. I had one of the dolls too, but it was a hand-me-down and it was all dirty and ridiculous.
OH my gosh!!!! I absolutely loooove the sketch page you posted up! Such a great page to look at!
Oh yes precious, ---these are great! I just want to dunk her in that green stuff! :)mm
I was one of the animators. Great doodles.
TotalD- WOW! Thanks for contributing to some great memories!
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