I finally got a cintiq, and a dandy iMac recently! Yay! Dell is having photoshop problems though, happened right after I got the new computer, but he should be fixed soon. So no scanner for me this week, but it's nice having the new equipment, planning to put them to good use!
Oh yeah, and April 1st was my 300th post. Whatever that means. Maybe a portal to another dimension will open full of sea cows, or I'll find a treasure chest, or nothing will happen. Probably nothing. K' that's all.
OMG, the sea cows are coming, I wonder what they would look like? would they be more fish then cow or more cow than fish or just haft and haft.
Yay Cintiq finally!!!
I don't know what a Cintig is, but your drawing is tooooo cute. My children ages 31 and 34 think I am technologically illiterate.
Yay, you are Cintiqueen! :D
You're now a member of the Cintiq club! Congrats!! Cute drawing too!
Congrats on the Cintiq and the 300th post.! She's taterific.
Gongrats on the cintiq!The pic looks so pretty and paintery~ *_*
Me next, soon, hopefully :)
Alternate reality Brianna will destroy us all!
Destroy us all!
Destroy us all!
Cute drawing!
very cute!! hooray for cintiqs!
Cintiqs are great. I got 2 myself.
That is adorable.
Dat's a cute one!
Hello, Cister Cintiqer!
Oh she is just adorable!!
booya!!! cintiq!! that means more drawings from you right? hahaa :)
cool drawing!i like the cool blocked out shadow shapes.
so much cuteness I'm going to explode. Love your sketches
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