Skippy is running around tearing up the carpet and banging his face into the bedroom window. Not a good thing 'cause I live on the third floor. If I don't go to bed soon, Skippy is going to be reinacting some action movie where someone crashes through a window. Except he won't have a machine gun and there won't be a massive explosion behind him. This must mean it's time for bed. Hasta manana, baby.
Go here for fun. Idiot style
Fun drawing!!
Those Post-its are clearly labelled "For Storyboard Artists Only!" Shame on you! That drawing better be part of a storyboard. At least it's a cool drawing, but really - there had better be a whole sequence of them, arranged to tell a narrative, or heads will roll!
hey I heard those white post-it's were discontinued???? at least that's what my work said! I guess one company is hording them all!
Hey- i posted more pics for you! Luv!
Hmmm, Burgerlog, you are RIGHT! I see no white post its in this new supply room. All those endangered post its are at the Sherman Oaks Galleria. I feel kinda bad now. I only have one pad, I should have "borrowed" more.
Nice angle, keep the fun coming!
ah!!! you are extreme in my face! get away! get away!
good stuff!
whassup, Bri! Seems like everyone is doing the blog thing..I just got started myself. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. I really love your stuff too, ever since I crashed the Cal Arts Producer's show and saw your "Ooneykorn" film! Keep up the wonderful work!
Whoa!! How random and cool that you would remember that. Thanks!! I had major brain sleepless burnout that year, it's real hard to watch that film, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.
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