First, Elizabeth Ito is having a show at Storyopolis on Ventura Blvd. this Saturday. It will contain her monsters, including Mr. Monster. There will be other artists showing there as well, Chris Robertson and Dan Santat. It's a childrens' book gallery/store, and the artists showing will sure have some neat stuff.
The other show is at Robokon in China Town Saturday night also. The artist is Mizna Wada. She will have some tricked out dolls, posters, and clothing, with a taste for the macabe at her show. Chu-hui gave me an awesome stationary book with her illustrations it, they are creepy good. It's her first show in the US, sounds koo...

Aaaahh!! There are so many blogs!! David Colman crazy animal artist and more! An old college classmate who draws cute little kids and animates like a crazy man, Chris Chua. Monica, a CSSSA friend from long ago, who has natural animation talent, and a cute bouncing baby boy!
Don't get too tired drivin' around to all those spiffy gallery show's! I play.
the mizna show was good. why didn't you go?
I did go! I was there from 8-9. I was late, but I got a poster with a doodle on it!
Very cool show - I went and saw it yesterday! - Her dolls are really done up nice - with sewn details... patience man..Patience!
mizna is amazing. she did a really great piece for this show on my site.
i'm bummed i couldn't see her LA show, but there's some pictures of her pieces from that show on flickr.
It was a neat show. She had alot of prototypes for toys and dolls that'll be available for the public soon. And she was a sweetheart in person. The Gocco piece on your site is cute!
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