Just finished doing a boat load of freelance (there are some tweaks left to do), and this should be my last weekend of unemployment for awhile (fingers crossed). I am supposed to start a new job Monday, but have been doing freelance for zat place the last few weeks. When I was in there last Monday, the tv in the lobby was playing the premiere of the last episode of Teen Titans, called "Things Change". Which they do, things are never placid, so people have to be flexible. I really enjoyed working at my last job and feel very fortunate to have been a part of that, but now I must venture into new and exciting waters. The new place has friendly faces, so it will be good. So here be a few sketches unrelated to work.

Uhhhhhhhhhh.......some mucky stuff going on up in here, should probably try working with some better light.

I was watching some movies while I was working on freelance. I was watching/listening
"Down with Love", it's pretty cheesy, but some of the costumes were cool.

I was also watching
"Princess Tutu". Don't laugh, the story is really good, and pulls alot from classical music, ballet, and fairy tales. It's shojo, so I don't know if I'd recommend it to guys, but it starts getting dark around the sixth episode or so. I watched
"The Point" this weekend too, I am happy it is on dvd finally.
Also, thanks
John Nevarez for the plug, and links to many awe-inspiring blogs and websites!! :D
princess tutu is great, cute little duck girl!!
Uh...yOO draw gOOd... :)
down with love rocks! and so doe the sad girl with the rose (and the others as well). Glad you put it up.
I signed up here just so i could leave comments properly!
Now i can't remember what I wanted to say...
Your drawings are nice. And things do change a lot, but change can be nice too! Good luck on your new job! Yeay!
the characters are so nice and. I like the middle one best!Your whole blog is beatuiful!
Hey, I actually like Down with love. I think they have nice begining credits if I remeber.
Cute girls! And Princess tutu looks interesting!
great new stuff! btw, please tell me how to link peeps on my pagina so i can link you kids....ttyl
lovely drawings
Beautiful walking sketch . . .wonderfully attractive, great shapes.
Thanks kind people! Drawing can be fun.
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