I had baby Glory. She was stolen when I brought her to school in the 1st grade. At the time she was my favorite pony, and I found out later that my college friends also have stories about how they lost the same pony too. One lost her in a fire, and one was given away without her consent. Glory is a fated pony.

Yay Spike!

I did these yesterday, looking at the old drawings made me want to make more. Sorry the digital one is really weird.

I still have Applejack, Firefly, and Spike. They are hanging out in my bedroom/office/pit of mess.

Found some really awesome videos in the past month! Youtube is being weird and not letting me make a playlist, so here they are separately. Maybe I can fix it later.
The first one is really cool, but my friends think it is really annoying. It's from beatmania IIDX, a rhythm game that you play with your hands. They usually have music videos that play during the level, though they usually aren't fully animated like this. The animation on this is just really well done, the delayed eye blink, the squishy stylized tutus, gahhhh!!!
beatmania IIDX - smooooch・∀・
This is a music video by the band SOUR. They got their fans from around the world to help make it. The song is beautiful, and it's pretty dumbfounding how this was edited together. Check out the rest of the videos on this person's youtube page. They made other equally inspiring videos for SOUR. Like this one. Also this one too!
SOUR '日々の音色 (Hibi no neiro)'
This video uses the tilt-shift technique. Everything in this video is real, no models were used. The edges of the lens is blurred to make objects appear smaller than they are. This song is also really good!
Tilt-Shift: Bathtub IV: Clementine - Washington
Here is the Smooch video one last time. It's so popular, fans are animating on top of it with their favorite characters. Here is the Dissidia version. Hee.
Thanks for all the recent birthday wishes! It was a super fun day, had a burger and some chocolate shake with beer in it at a haunted restaurant, then went and saw early experimental Jim Henson films! Jim Henson was crazy. Crazy good!
Goddamit, my better half is gonna glee when I show her this. She's been so dissapointed with habro's current pony art style >.<
AGH! I can't get enough of your art!
Those are fantastic MLP pics, I love all the expressions! You know you have to invade Wyatt's Transformer collection with your pony toys of course. Start an 80's merch battle in the office. Mua ha ha!
Old-school ponies ftw!
I still have Surprise(and baby), Gusty, Bluebell and Snuzzle :)
Sonictail-They are remaking pony, it was in the press release when they announced the Hasbro/Discovery channel. I think your girlfriend will be happy.
Black Red- Thanks!
Abby-We are in different buildings, so no invading. Claire Lenth had a pretty extensive pony collection at work while on TFA. Black Arachnia was serving them tea, if I'm not mistaken.
Amy-Yay Old school ponies! I think Hasbro didn't keep the rights to most of the G1 ponies, which is sad. :( I think I had Suprise. Cotton Candy, Baby Cotton Candy, Firefly, Applejack, and Glory were my main five. XD
Rainbow Magical Megan Make-Up!
It totally looks like it could be the beginning of a magical girl transformation! XD
I only brought a couple of ponies into work today, they are happily frolicking on a corner of my desk.
Dood, yer ponies look sooooo appealing! If there were a new MLP show and it looked as good as this, I would definitely take the time to watch it
cheers and excellent work, thanks for sharing the videos as well
SQUEEEE!!! Cuteness. love your applejack! And weirdly enough, i was forced to "lend" my baby glory to my younger cousin by my folks, and never saw her again. Fated, indeed!
I am proud to say I have re-collected over 300 of the original G1 ponies. I blame ebay.
but anyway. SQUEEE! you can
check out my pony nerdness here:
Well I think this calls for invading their building and taking it over completely with MLPs. They might have robots but you guys have unicorns. Great big spikes on their heads! Everyone forgets how hardcore that is.
I can't remember a lot of my MLP collection, I was very fond of them at the time but then Ninja Turtles happened and my brain is a bit fuzzy after that. I loved the baby ones the most though. I was terrible if you look at it from a collectors point of view though as I'd whack my whole gang of MLPs into the garden and cover them in mud, or fill a bath and throw them in. How else could they have adventures with the sea ponies?!
That last picture there is my favourite, mainly for the determined 'FLY, FLY LIKE MAD' expression.
perfect draftsmanship **droooolllsss**!!!!!!
oh! and did you see lauren faust has some cool my little ponies on her deviantart page.
Daisy- Your love of ponies is legendary according to Will!
Clio- Hopefully Studio B can pull it off, I know the people designing it are putting alot of heart and work into it. It sure sounds as if Glory has been through alot. I've come really close a couple of times to repurchasing her, but always seem to hold off for some reason.
Abby- We aren't at Carpoop Network anymore. I think everyone's TF toys might be at home. Also I don't have near as many Ponies as Derrick has Transformers, so I think they'd win by shear numbers in a great battle.
Craig P- I have seen Lauren's ponies. They are really charming and she has a good understanding of their world. Her version of Apple Jack is my favorite! XD
Damn I didn't realise, sorry! Are you able to say what you're up to at the moment?
Abby- Oh, don't apologize! I am on Batman: Brave and Bold right now. Doing storyboards. They haven't gotten rid of me yet, but I'm learning alot of new stuff right now, and it's alot of fun to draw! Everyone else is working on different stuff, but I see those guys all the time. People shift around alot in TV animation, but paths with friends cross all the time. :)
That's great! I only have experience with freelancing here in the UK, and that's just with drawing/colouring kids magazines really. So it's fascinating to hear how the US animation industry works, sounds like you guys have a nice community together. :)
Batman: Brave and the Bold storyboards? Awesome! Fantastic show. I manage a comic shop and I hope you guys all know that loads of comic fans adore that series! Have you ever checked out the Tiny Titans comic?
I love the booshwoolie being all grabby: ooooohhhh!! The pretty rainbow of light!!!
Believe it or not, I lent my Surprise, Cotton Candy, baby Cotton Cand AND Baby Glory to a friend in Middle School and never got them back!!!!! I have since (nerdily) replaced them all. Poor Baby Glory!
Your ponies ROCK!
My friend has the newly designed ponies on her desk at my last job. And they are all sexy looking like they are teenagers.
There's My Little Pony convention in Las Vegas I think. May be it's already happened.
Hey Bri- i had computer issues and forgot to check in here for a long time- but i'm starting my own webcomic soon- i'll let you know when that happens! hugs and luv!
Oooh Ooooh! My very first MLP was Blossom. I almost had a Glory, but I think mine was Moondancer; they were very similar unicorns other than the 'cutie mark' painted on their back thigh/derriere muscle. Come to think of it, those were quite barbaric. Was that supposed to be like branding a cow? Anyways, love the trip down memory lane. I wish I still had mine.=\
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