Today is my Mom's special birthday. She requested Humphrey the Bear. Here he is. I don't know why I didn't give Donald a gun, he should have one. :( Poor Humphrey, he is stupid and unlucky. Happy Birthday Mom! :) Hope Smokey the Bear doesn't come after you!
Humphrey is so bad at being a bear, even Smokey the Bear disapproves of him.
My mom told me a story about when she was a little girl. My grandparents, Uncle, and her, were driving to go camping at a national park (maybe Yellowstone? Don't remember). She was asleep in the back of the truck camper. A bear decided to jump onto the back of the camper and rode along for awhile. Luckily, the bear did not eat them. It was probably Humphrey.

Dumb Dumbo drawing is for the Golden Age Show in Philidelphia this Friday.
Here is the info:
Golden Age of Comics and Animation gallery show
Brave New Worlds Comics,
Friday, July 3rd, at 6pm
I like Dumbo. It is one of my favorite movies. I was going to do something completely different for the show, but decided to do Dumbo instead. The piece I was going to turn in I ended up hating. It is below, along with sketches I did while hanging out with my brother during a long appointment weeks ago. There are other things too. It is a Disney Dumbo Dump.

Captain EO Dumbo was drawn way before MJ died. :(

My friend's two and a half year old is obsessed with the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio, this is for her.

Some ugly Tinkerbell.

The End.
wOW, I love these Dumbo drawings! Timothy is one of my favorite animated character of all time. I love the poster drawing. Great work!
THese are beautiful!!!!!! So elegant-like.
Really beautiful work, Brianne! Amazing stuff.
I like the elephants on parade piece. It's great! How can you not like it. Well, just because I'm so nice, I'll take it off your hands so it won't cause you any more anguish. Fantastic dumbo dump!
WOW! MAJOR Disney-age. Only from you will I accept this. They shoulda handed the Tinkerbell franchise over to you :)
oh, i LOVE the dumbo drawings! I totally dig the pink elephants on parade piece... i think it's my fave! (and the little blue dumbo sketch- not sure if that's the EO dumbo or not). Fabulous lookin' stuff! : D
Wow, I love your mom, she has such good taste...bump bump
Wish this was for me, song's stuck in my head...bump bump
Gonna last all day, till I go to bed...bump bump
This is all your fault, damn you and your blog...bump bump
Now I'm in a grove, going back to work...bump bump
So much stuff! Glad to see you are working hard...drou-hard! Hahah I am soooo funny.
Shazam! That's some wicked pieces - you do good Disney - nice the see the Blue Fairy, she's great - Excuse me, but Tink is not ugly, au contraire, she's very cute...
Oh no I was beaten!!! I was going to say I will take the pink elephants piece :( IT IS SUPER CUTE! I think there is AX tomorrow for me. Weee!
What a wonderful Humphrey the Bear tribute.
This was one of my favorite Disney series (Humphery). I loved that song...
Dumbo's probably my favorite Disney film too... but i'm obviously biased...
Love your interpretations
What an epic and Awesome post! Love the ranger in the sweet Humphrey pic.
I LOVE elephants on parade! I know it used to scare some of my friends, but animators on acid is hilarious...
Daaaang, is it possible to create drawings that are cuter than the actual film? I think you just made that a reality. These Dumbo sketches are INCREDIBLY cute. Like, REALLY!!!!!
Beautiful work! I love the use of the prismacolor markers, it's absolutely wonderful!
HOLY SHYT! KICKASSS! whoa. i'm blown away! great! F CN. I can't wait for your short.
these drawings are so awesome!
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