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"Komodo Dragon celebrates its birthday
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A Komodo Dragon celebrates his eighth birthday with what looks like the world's most horrible birthday cake - a meat feast topped with mice!"
Note: The Komodo dragon's name is "Krakatoa". Awesome.
My Mom sent this to me, wanting me to draw this amazing photograph. Personally, I think no artwork can compare to the real thing. Plus I've got stuff for other people that has to get done tonight, yeah, you Fayetteville. I totally owe you.
I'm also behind on bday drawings for some friends. :C None of them are for Krakatoa though, he is not my friend.
Here is something I drew awhile ago when I was sad. It's been a hard year for me art/working wise, but this month is looking very up. 2008 still has hope. I might be actually

Also, I am making gingerbread cookies tonight. Using dough that is sold at Ikea. Hmmmm.....
Awwww... tater girl haz sad year.
I've had one of those, too, I hear ya *hugs*
I think 2008 must be just a bad karma year. Lots of awesome artists trying to find work and a lot of awesome people have died - Ledger, Newman, Melendez, Ollie..
i like the green monster at the bottom
and the blue haired girl is super cute
thank you for the nice comments on my blog
Amy- I'm not really seeing it as a "bad Karma" year, I'm hoping it just means all the "good Karma" is saving up for AWESOME time. Hopefully before I'm living in a box though. Sucks your dealing with it too. I know alot of people who are in the same boat right now, but I really do think things will pick up soon.
Damon- Awww thanks! Keep up the good fight!
ya, just think of it as a down time, so that it must mean some good times are on their way, right? : ) love the komodo dragon post- i love his little party hat too! i wonder who was brave enough to get it on him... and as always, love your drawings... the little blue monster is really cool!
Its always so amazing that you're able to just doodle together a masterpiece in your sketchbook. I always hoped that I'd get to the level of sketchbook mastery that you were at when you attended CSSSA but I STILL ain't there yet!
Sorry to hear about your work slump. I know how that is! I think I've had better luck since I got up here in Washington, but I think that's because my focus all in all is more videogame centric and less comicbooks and animation. Have you tried your luck with the videogame studio's down there in S-Cal?
hey-thanks so much for commenting on my blog!!! i'm going through some tough times too and that really brought me up!
WTF? why is it tough time city for people? shittiest year ever.
If little with cat on her head is your id talking, surely she must be wrong (chick eith the sword is AWSOME! she is so well drawn, this is an amazing piece of work)
cheers to you, and I hope you feel better
and ewww, ikea dough.
Post some of that freelance animation if you're allowed. And if that's off limits, I'd like to request an animation of that purple, winged septahorn.
(Who knew that komodo dragons liked Spongebob?)
Daisy- I was wondering the same thing about Krakatoa's Sponge Bob hat. Hopefully they didn't get bit and infected with Komodo dragon bacteria! Although in that photo, he almost looks like he's smiling.
Jake- I think it's cool how different all the projects you are working on are. That seems like a smart way to do things, then you won't get pigeon holed.
I was seriously thinking of moving up to the west side over the summer, starting over, and applying for some of the game/flash companies there. I really do believe things are picking up down here though. I might be doing some freelance for a game company soon, and the project sounds really fun! I've also been spending my off time working on my own projects, which if I'd had full time work would have been impossible. My friends have been very supportive and helpful, I hope we all get to work together professionally on them someday.
Craig P- Hang in there!
LFW- It hasn't been a shitty year, just kinda off. Maybe it's like a forest fire clearing the way for new growth?
Ryan- I haven't even started animating yet, and I don't think it'll be out until later next year. I'm gonna try to do something cartoony for Halloween though if there is enough time.
Komodo dragon looks happy and so funny too:) I like the kitty leader and cheer group . They are so cute :)
Great to hear things are going swell. I love how that monster's nose is a star. A star!
Birthday komodo looks like one happy guy.
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