I drew these for a friend's recent birthday. She collects some of the toys, so I thought these might be nice for her depressed children collection. Staying up drawing these brought back alot of memories from art school. It's funny, alot of people assume all we watched were "The Jungle Book" and Nine old men animation, but we were introduced to "Evangelion" end of our freshman year in 1999. A group of us borrowed the complete series from a friend and watched all the episodes in less than a week. The next fall, we watched "End of Evangelion", and the nerds debated what the whole thing meant. One of our story teachers used to bring clips in from the anime for various examples. There is some amazing animation in the show, and alot of media references it nowadays.
Gainax is producing four movies retelling the story, the first one was released in Japan not too long ago. Here is the first trailer and the second trailer for "Rebuild of Evangelion". I think WETA may still be working on a live action movie based on "Evangelion". Good luck to them if they are, they have a huge task in front of them.

Banana Cat!
Cool Evangelion drawings! i love that Asuka's pose!
Your Banana Cat is so kawaii!!:)
How cute!! It's funny that your teachers showed you things like this, as mine seemed to have somewhat of a dislike for anime and only showed us Nine Old Men and Jungle Book, hahaha! I remember entering college as a huge anime nerd only to end up feeling slightly embarrased by it as many of the teachers and students I met looked down on anime. This pic brings back happy memories though :)
oh RAD! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your eva kids. They all look as messed up, cowardly, depressed, and lacking in human emotion as I remember them.
I was such a huge eva fan, even though every time I saw it I wanted to slit my wrists and end it all. I just wanted to see shinji finally get a grip on himself and start kicking some monster ass, and getting it on and romancing with either asuka or misato, alas not to be, ha ha.
I am also glad to see good old banana cat's made a comeback
cheers to you
your fan
what about tater cat too!?!!
hey Bri- i finally finished a painting- go check it out- tell your friends
Hahaha, I remember the brouhaha when End of Evangelion came out.
Looks like Gainax got a few too many 'wtf was THAT??' and are now retconning BIG time ;)
Ah, Shinji, you whiney little pervert...
KT- There was a group of us at school that would watch "Anime Sunday" on the Sci-Fi channel, except we'd call it "Enema Sundays" because we were mature. Not all are teachers were big into the anime thing, but one char design teacher showed "Ninja Scroll" once of all things, and some of the animation teachers would shows clips from Ghibli. Most animation reference was american features or live action clips.
LFW and Amy- I want to slap Shinji. He is so annoying, but that is kind of the point I guess.
Great stuff Brianne, it's been a while since I been here. Love the Eva stuff, I recently watched the rebuild and it was freeking AWESOME!!! I recommend it highly.
HAHAHA. i love the banana cat.....
i wanna peel it and have a split!
banana cat is great, i remember being introduced to ninja scroll and ghost in the shell and a bunch of other anime flicks... i also recall it being looked down at in art school but just liked everything else there is good stuff and bad stuff.
Awesome, the problem i had with eva was Shinji. no matter how much my dad ignored me, if one day he called and said i had to pilot a giant robot and battle giant alien/angel things, i would be happy as pie!
Draw Gatchaman next! :)
Teenagers trained to fly like birds!!
Shinji is ........Oh........
Ooomph Brianne! Someone has been super busy! And now you make me want to crack open my new eva complete collection!!! I will not rant about eva though. Danke for secret link!
the 'beautiful world' song is so pretty... must steeeeeeeeal it!
Excellent Eva pilots, Miss Brianne! And Banana Cat is back! Yay!
The guy in the middle looks like he breaks a few hearts.
Oh geez, the evangeleon, I recognize that now.. I should read the stuff below before I comment.
Awe, that banana kitty is sooo cute!!! Just wanted to stop by and say hi!!
Well, ttyl.
Much love,
Glad to see you're still up and about Brianne!
Ring ring ring banana...oh wait.
Who knows if they'll ever release that Evangelion movie.
Never thought Zelda would ever be made into a film but it's good to see it finally has.
Rogelio- That trailer was hilarious! Oh the irony that you sent that to me today, not just 'cause it's April 1st...
Love the appeal to these drawings! Great job!
Please check this out:
LOL to the extreme!
Who do you think I am?!
I want my "Gurren Lagann" DVD! Stupid ADV...
Yay! for Banana cat. Very cute drawings.
Evangelion is awesome and so are these images. I'm looking forward to having my brain fried by Gainax again.
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