My hometown is in a video competition to get an MRI machine for the hospital. They don't have one. One comes every Thursday on a truck, if you need a scan any other day, you can drive an hour to the next nearest hospital. This time of year can be bad, roads get shut down and make it hard to travel. The people in the video work at the same hospital my Mom works. Check out the site, there are alot of other small town hospitals in the competition. Please vote! You can vote once a day from the same computer. Scroll down to find the video.
Othello Community Hospital
Video: Mr. Chick MagnetHere are some chickens. Save the chickens. Get my town a real MRI machine.

Wow, that's a really interesting contest. I'll put my vote in.
awesome chicken!
you can has MRI
Love it ! :)
Great works on your blog, miss !
Goncratulations !
Very nice chickens. I love your artwork.
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