Homemade cookies my mama sent me. They all have different personalities.

This is supposed to be Silkie made out of leftover gingerbread dough and sugary glaze. I made him last year.

A moment of zen I saw at the Burbank mall. BATMAN!!! Na, na na na na na na na... BATMAN!!!

Aww, the kissy pic looks great! The silkie cookie looks like booger! So awesome (that was one of my favourite episodes....)!
Yes, it looks like a booger with spittle. Go to Derrick's blog for some really good Silkie love, and thank you!
That silkie cookie is part disgusting looking, part amazingly awesome.
i gotta get myself to the Burbank mall. And you have clearly tamed the Adobe Illustrator beast. And now you are both friends and go on zany adventures together. yay! If i'm making absolutely no sense here, it's because micromedia flash just did to me what Illustrator did to you in your last comment.
Diggin' on the Illustrator artwork. The simple style is awesome!
horray I love the couple with the umbrellas, ewww that cookie is scary
SILKIE! He's too cute to eat... and yet... This is some awesome work and the newest version of that vector piece is just great! Awesome work!
YAAAHHHH!! Silkie toy pic from Toy Fair!
Eiko was out there this week; shoulda had her steal it for ya! :D
Love the illustrator work!
what a great looking Silkie! :)
ewwwww gross cookie, but the art be goot.
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