Here is a link found on, one of the favoritest blogs for artists lately. They post nifty artwork daily. If you don't have time to blog surf for happiness, a quick trip here will wet your noodle brain. Anyways, here is the link, Four Non Blondes He-man. It's got some adult swim type humor going on, and if He-Man is your hero, I apologize. Otherwise, enjoy!
A drawing a day keeps the carpal tunnel away.

One more link for today,
Vyvan's Girl Show photos. Thanks Vyvan for the fancy page!!
OOooohh!! I found the katamari link I was looking for!
Katamari Indiana Jones
Vyvian's pictures are so great, I can't wait to see more photos. I like your little girl, I'm want her sweater =)
You cannot have the sweater, because it is not real.
AH hahahah... hey, how bout Katamari Saturday?
hmmmm....maybe. I try to go to stuart ng's saturday.
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