Survived Tokyo, and Comiket. The trip was amazing! Met up with a lot of nice people, took a lot of photos. We walked everywhere, took the train everywhere, so much to look at. Now it's a new year, and there is already many things happening!
First up, I will be at Wonder Con, at the Immedium booth. That will also be the earliest anyone can get their hands on "Billie the Unicorn". The book will be out early April, but my publisher will have early copies at the convention. Later in April, I will be at Anaheim Comic Con!
I saw "Tangled" before heading to Tokyo. A barefoot princess with a frying pan!

Why didn't I draw the frying pan?! BOOOO!!
Lots of well crated animated movies in 2009! Gave me the warm fuzzies, and stuff.
Wouldn't this make an awesome racing game, a'la Mario Kart? ....and now for some Tokyo photos, under the cut!