Photoshop barf, totally took the life out of the sketch. Those rodent-y critters are discussing their latest supply of soup bones. Num nums. Yay! I'm tired. Woot!

Thank you too all the nice people I met at AX 2010. I'll be getting back to answering emails this weekend, still kinda detoxing from the madness! I still have Billie buttons left, so I'll be bringing those to Comic Con for anyone who may want them.
I got tagged by another blogger thingy award. So thank you,
Barbie Miller! Now onto my excuse to post some blogs that are "LOVELY".
1. Katie Shanahan
ktshy.blogspot.com Makes lovely funny comics!
2. Ben Jones
hamfist.blogspot.com Lovely idiot style drawings and a lovely Comic Con update.
3. Anna Chambers
burgerlog.blogspot.com My excuse to say poop is lovely.
4. Chris Meesey
meesimo.blogspot.com Draws lots of lovelies.
5. Jake Myler
lazesummerstone.blogspot.com Makes lovely monsters.
6. Destiny Wood
destinyw.blogspot.com Is lovely and amazing.
7. Uncle Phil
philrynda.blogspot.com Needs to post more lovely drawings.
8. Tara Whitaker
taranicolewhitaker.blogspot.com Needs more love.
9. Derrick Wyatt
derrickjwyatt.blogspot.com Draws lovely Velmas.
10. Kristen McCabe
kristens-sketchblog.blogspot.com The power of 1 million lovelies!!
11. Amy Mebberson
amymebberson.blogspot.com Lovely Princess Pie!
I was supposed to pass this on to 15 other people, but was trying not to link to people who've already done this. I'm not expecting anyone to pass it along, so no pressure. Just an excuse to annoy my friends for being amazing dorks! HA HA!!
Here are the fancy rules for anyone who'd like to pass along more LURVES:
As acceptance of this award,
the following criteria should be met:
~ Accept the award, post it on your blog together with
the name of the person who has granted the award and his
or her blog link.
~ Pass the award to 15 other lovely blogs.
~ Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they
have been chosen for this award.