
A coworker found nothing humorous or entertaining about these kittens. :P

Power Girl is very brave. Very brave indeed.

I really like this song.
*****I had some recent trouble with my webmail! I lost some messages I haven't had a chance to reply to (I've been really slowwww -_-!!!) One that I know I lost was from a girl who sent me some of her sketches. I'm really sorry, I don't have your email to reply, please email me again! Eep!!!! <:O
Secret Forest FAiry is AWESOME!
and that song is really cool. it has cool appealing harmonies :)
I agree with power girls comment, especially with the upcoming change to winnick :P
That said, thanks for sharing! And how would the past week be made awesome by 2008 sucking?
I love the drawing of the fairy.
Your characters ROCK! ^___^
If I was still working by you, I'd steal that kitten Post-It from your cubicle door. And nice Power Girl pose, too.
I sent you an email that was never replied to.
I don't know what the circumstances were that warranted no reply, but the email was just to show you the new Chrono Trigger figures being produced.
love it all
super cool powergirl
secret forest fairy is magical amazingly wickid, though she is naked, what is up with that?
and I agree that powergirl in general is not that attractive
cheers to you and your amazing talent
Sonictail- Something I made in 2008 to keep myself from going crazy is getting some interest. It still might not turn in to anything, but it is a good feeling to know personal artwork is starting to take on a life of it's own. ;)
Ryan-Someday our paths will gross again. Animation isn't a very big sandbox.
Austin- Sorry, I emailed you back finally. I need to organize my email better. I'm definitely going to get at least one of those figures!
LFW-Mostly I was meaning Power Girl's outfit. All white can be hard to pull off, with the weird cape, short boots, and inconvenient cleavage hole.
Thank you, Brianne, for taking time out of your schedule to reply to my email!
Love the Kittens and think they're highly entertaining and humorous. You gotta work with higher caliber folks ;)
Glad to hear things are looking up too. Congrats!
Anyone who doesn't think cats' bottoms are ALWAYS funny has something wrong with them.
Clarke- Thanks! I don't know if anything will come of it, but it's a nice feeling to know 2008 wasn't a waste.
Amy- The guy who didn't care for them isn't a cat person. The situation was actually funny to me. One of the other artists grabbed it off my desk to show another coworker. I work on an manly action super hero show. The stuff I draw for work looks like nothing I post on my blog, so I can see why someone not used to my personal work would be confused.
omg ponies! i been so busy i hasn't seen this blog in forever :P
yay stuff
L O V E the cat butt!!! so cute.
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