Tooo busy to draw anything new. Looking into trying to print another sketchbook type thing for this summer. Every year I either get too busy, or can't afford it. Looking into doing full color if possible, but hopefully keep it affordable for others, or whoever might want one. Bleh.
I was worried that I might not have enough original stuff to put in the book, but I have some stuff going back all the way to 2005 that I never posted, so it should be ok. I might put a few images in it that have already been on the blog in the past. If there are any specific drawings that anyone would like in the book, please post it in the comments.
So while going through old sketchbooks, I found some horrible unfinished sketches that should never see the light of day. I'm in a weird mood, so here's stuff that belongs at Costco.

This was freelance. They are aliens.

Here is a workout to help everyone get in shape after the holidays!
I love this kind of stuff! I'm glad you showed it the light of day. Those cat doodles are so fun and cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
world's strongest man
"I graduated from Costco"~ Damn, I love that movie!
OH MAN, if you make a book, I'd be interested! You've got some fun sketches that give me a sweet fuzzy feeling. Or maybe that's just the cat sitting on my lap?~ Either way, I think it's a great idea :D
Ooo and I like your sketch of the frog in a speedo with kitty vines coming out of his head!!!
Well, I may be the odd man out, but I enjoy seeing artist sketches and love to see them complimenting more complete works in artbooks. I think the fairy sketch is nice, but KING CAT MUST BE FINISHED AT SOME POINT. HIS REGAL REGALNESS DEMANDS IT!
Of course, Terra is always win in my book.
Great sketches and concept work! Second picture down there is this peach haired girl that totally made my day. Wonderful style.
Hey Brianne! Why are you so talented? PS I stole your Tiana drawings because they are nostalgic
Could we PLEASE get a full colour book this time around? Your masterful control of rainbow hues is part of what makes me love your work!
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