The rest is uploaded out of order because blogger is evil and I don't have the will to fight right now. I don't really care for posting fanart, but in 2010 there should be some original stuff ready.

When I was drawing Jasmine, I had forgotten about a binder full of marker artwork I had in 7th grade. I was an idiot and took it to school and somebody stole it during Home Ec. It wasn't in the trash, couldn't find it, I'm pretty positive it was destroyed since I had a ton of bullies back then. It was full of the first marker art I ever made, and there were alot of Jasmine drawings in it. It's weird what memories come back when I'm drawing certain subjects. Jasmine was easier to draw when I remembered I drew her before.

Pretty Princess Captain Hook

**P.S. I Just found out Roy Disney passed away today. A sad coincidence. :(
Belle stealing books.

"The Chronicles of Prydain", used to read those books on summer break. Never read the last one for some reason. :(

The most inactive princess ever.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to put red headed Ariel in a pink dress, you are never going to live that down.


Alice in WonderBread Land

... and that concludes the horrible fanart plague of '09.
Cute! I still need to go see Frog.
Wahh!! I have a similar story...I had a binder of drawings that I had inked and zipatoned, then cut out and mounted on construction paper. It was all my "characters", girls and animals, and I worked really hard on it...but it got stolen too! I know who took it too, she was a rival artist girl who didn't like me. :(
BUT ON A HAPPIER NOTE! These drawings are adorable and they make me happy to look at. Do you have a favorite Disney princess?
I love your version of things!!!
The colors are so soft and pretty- and your Hook is really funny!!!
Have you seen the new Disney Pullips and Dals? I kind of like them in a weird way...
Pinocchio and Dumbo!
I though you are a board artist, why do you have time to do so much amazing art outside of work???????
I love your style of the Princesses! Beautiful work.
Debbie-Thanks! You should go see it if you get the chance. I also saw "Secret of the Kells" a couple of weeks ago. It's supposed to be wide release on St. Patrick's Day in 2010. It was really good too!
Katie- So somewhere out there, there is an Anti-Katie? :O I think it was the popular kids who took my stuff. They always liked to draw gross stuff over my drawings.
I'm not sure who my favorite princess is. I learned how to draw girls from drawing Ariel alot in 4th grade. I had her doll with the fishy tail. It was so cool!
I re-watched Cinderella, and she actually pushed the story and characters along. She's kinda got a rebellious side, which I didn't remember from watching when I was little. Also that movie is so simple and beautiful, alot of movies nowadays are way overdone. There is a beautiful pan of Cinderella running to the courtyard before she meets the Fairy Godmother. Something like that wouldn't be done nowadays, it'd probably have to have some sort of Deep Canvas technology.
Kali- I hadn't seen the new Pullips. I was thinking of getting the scary Dumbo, but that Tinkerbell Dal is amazing!
Alan- I just turned in a board yesterday, and most of these drawings are labeled 2008! Never mind, I just got another hand out. XP
Claire- Thank you!
I love your drawings!
love these drawings! jasmin and fairy godmother is so adorable!
Cute drawings!
Fangirl art or no, these are AWESOME.
I had artwork stolen from the wall of my 7th grade art class. I always liked to think it was because someone thought my art was THAT rad they hadda have it... :P
Wow !!! These are awesome, I am shocked Disney hasn't approached you with a book deal. Awesome Stuff Bree!!!
Rad- Thanks, you have some neat stuff too!
Howard- Thankxxxx!
Chris- Was it a drawing from Star Wars?!
Jason- The elusive Jason Jones! I am working on a book right now, but it isn't Disney related.
We must trade animation secrets soon!
awesome Brianne!
beautiful stuff! I love the tiger's gesture it's such a cat pose. I wonder some times how they can survive in the wild when their so skilled at being cute. The princesses are so fresh I love the great gestural drawings too.
CUUUUTE! Always love your stuff! : D
Omg! That's why you'r one of my favorite artists ever!
Cuteness all around, and i love your shot at Tiana! `w´~
btw, i'm @pr1ps =P
Wow! These are so great! I love the fourth one from the bottom: kinda reminds me of Mary Blair.
Wow these are really great! I love that you included Eilonwy. Almost no one knows of her.
Love the Snow white and Alice updates! So cute and pretty!!!!!!
HAH! The narcoleptic beauty 4 from the bottom got a laugh outta me. Nice work!
These are the cuuutest drawings, aaaaaah! *melts from prettyness overload*
Glorious and lovely Princesseses!
Amazing princesspalooza - this inspires me to get in touch with my inner princess - I plan on attempting a tinkerbell drawing - although she isn't a princess - or is she? yes, she is -
Oh wow!These are really nice!Everything is so wonderfully colored and shaded~
I really like how your drawings of the princesses look so distinctively to your style :3
These are so vastly better than the original designs it's not even funny.
Woweee! I looooove your marker drawings! You have such cute ideas too (I like how you have the fairy god mother growing pumpkins! That is just too adorable)~
It's so great to see marker drawings.. I love the gritty traditional feel of it all! And I bet these look even better in real life! <3 <3 <3
Happy New Year!!! Thanks for sharing :D
I'm a lurker, coming out of the woodwork... your Disney gals are amazing! Love your Eilonwy so much, she (and the Prydain series) are totally under-appreciated.
but...the alice one is so great.
The expression you gave her is priceless! Sucky fan-arts these are not, in my opinion :)
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