This girl was for an invite for a lady back home that's throwing an 80's party. My mom called with the request for a blonde 80's girl, so I did this. I dunno why she has a chewed up piece of bubble gum in her hair. It's supposed to be a scrunchie. Whenever I think of the 80's, I think of "The Chipmunk Adventure". Anyone else have this problem?

Someday I want to visit Christmas Island. So I can visit my people. The crabs.
If you'd like to learn more about the Christmas crabs, track down the documentary "March of the Crabs". Most of the footage is from that video.
Yes, I have the same problem. It was a movie that defined a generation. I think that girl really captures the true essence of the '80s.
Whenever I think of crabs I think of drawn butter, not drawn in marker. But these drawings are so deelishus I think I'll have to change that perception. Though coincidentally, whenever I think of the 80's I also think of drawn butter. But when Christopher Hewett throws a coke party, you see things.
also, my word verification is "iavzecs". say that one three times fast, tee-hee!
Okay, yea. You can't think of the 80's with out thinking of the chipmunk adventer. I still get made fun of when I watch that at home. I have to watch it at least once every 6 months or I DIE!!
And GIRL! Why the hell haven't you called me? And don't give me that "I've been busy finishing up before my haitus" excuse either! JK. Brunchies tomorrow our you DIE!!!
Tee hee. Christmas Island crabs are the best. . . especially when they cross the road.
Horray for crab-people! Very nice sketches Miss Brianne, does this mean it's your birthday soon?
Show off ;) 80's girl is GNARLY!
great stuff Bri! Really like the roller girl...Especially the gum on her head!
Cute little crab!
eight tees... da nee ner nee ner... I'm livin' in the eight -tees... awwww eight tees.. That's a song just for you!and now off to the closet to find my polka dotted stretch pants.
the 80's gal is like totally bitchin', omagosh!!
80's party in Othello Washington = SWEET!?
That bunny is so cute that it's not legal. I LOVE your art! Really nice stuff, and what an entertaining blog! Of course I remember the Chipmunk Adventure. Now I wanna watch it again! Keep up the great work!
Cute 80s girl. I love it! She looks like she collects Wham and Duran Duran!
One of my greatest joys in life lately has been to just cruise around the internet and check out all the great artists I can find... you're one of my very favorites! Thanks for sharing your work, and I hope you post more soon!
I have some new favorites from you. Love the colours...the style...the subjects...can't wait to see more!
Summer vacation!!! what are you talking about? What is that? .....but still enjoy your vacation!! and keep doing more cool works...They are so cute and nice color...:) oh Your are atill doing the crab thing ha....heehee
these are really sweet! And the roller-girl illustration is just precious!
So much variety. It’s like a buffet of oddities and entertainment! Nice work :)
Cool 80's girl! Love the sketches too!
i wanna see that crab smoking the cigarette
i'm amazed every time i visit
wow having all those crabs around could be cool and somewhat creepy... like the invasion of the crabs or something... i love your art... soo nice!!
oh the crap is so cute...
Hee hee, thanks for liking my crap! the 80's.....
great drawing of the roller girl! The march of the crab Doc. is pretty cool, but i like our little crab sketch on the beach. "I pinch"
If the 80s had only been that cute. :-) But I'm glad you didn't give the girl teased hair or anything gross like that!
love the 80's girl! really great!
Oh my smack these are so great. Brittany Chippette is an inspiration to us all!
WOW! LOVE all your work! The 80's chick is awesome!
...and Christmas Island is a little creepy! ;)
love the 80's girl!! i miss those days :'(
glommer where are you?!?
I was watching the crab video and as my toes were curling and I was making sqeeking noises of horror, my dog came over and nosed the back of my arm. I haven't jumped like that in a long time... Thanks for that scary scary moment of disgust! ;)
p.s... I love your drawings...
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