At lunch, the discussion led to kitties who were in cased in retaining walls of homes and gardens. Somebody mentioned that this was once popular in Ireland, and the ghost cats would ward off evil spirits. I don't know if that's true, but a ghost cat would be an awesome pet! Here are some lame comic con photos. Here are some things my little brother instant messaged me. He asked me if this was kinda like comic con. Kinda.... Hee hee, this is funny. FF7 Robot Chicken K' bye.
Hmmmmm......yes........ I am going there with some fellow nerd girls. Maybe we shall see more of San Diego than just the convention center? Some people asked if I'm going to have anything new there. Not really. But if you have money to burn and are into that sort of thing, Stuart Ng's booth should have copies of sketchbooks "Banana Cat" and the really old shitty "Oxytocin" for sale. Nucleus' booth might have copies of the sketchbooks too, along with "Pirouette" and "Arrow Bird" prints. Sell Out R Me. There is alot of stuff to see and do. On Saturday, there's this for those who are interested: Sat. 7:00-9:00 The Batman Q&A, followed by Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo World Premiere Screening.
There are plans for a Martha Baxton auction. Martha is like the den mother for many Calarts animation grads, and her husband became ill recently. Some of the students have banded together to help raise some funds to try to make life a little easier for Martha and her husband. More up to date info here.
Just heard that Tria maybe discontinuing some of their marker colors. I couldn't find much info online about it, but mentions the line is being revamped, and that the new markers will not correspond to the Pantone matching system. Yippie. :C Guess Leo Hobaica was right. I need to start painting with gouache.
Monday, I went to Disneyland. They have an Asimo exhibit in Tomorrow Land, but my camera doesn't want to talk to my computer.(I'm stupid, I got it to work. Lame Disneyland photos here). Luckily, Youtube has a better video anyway. They are coming so close to jumping off the stage and strangling humans. Oh Asimo, you are so cute.
All nerds have a safe trip during your migration down south. Remember to bathe every day!!!!!
Summer vacation starts Monday for meeeeeee... This girl was for an invite for a lady back home that's throwing an 80's party. My mom called with the request for a blonde 80's girl, so I did this. I dunno why she has a chewed up piece of bubble gum in her hair. It's supposed to be a scrunchie. Whenever I think of the 80's, I think of "The Chipmunk Adventure". Anyone else have this problem?
Someday I want to visit Christmas Island. So I can visit my people. The crabs.
If you'd like to learn more about the Christmas crabs, track down the documentary "March of the Crabs". Most of the footage is from that video.