The Burbank piece.

Billie and her cousins having a picnic with a very difficult Queen, and her Gear Grunt robot. This drawing is not part of the "Billie the Unicorn" book, but the Queen and one of her robot guards is.
They'll be in the "Women in Animation" gallery show. The flyer and list of girlie artists can be found HERE!
This Friday, March 4 · 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Gallery 839 @ The Animation Guild
1105 North Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA
The next two pieces are for "March of the Unicorns" at the Lichen art gallery, in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Billie and her bees will be there.
A local girl scout troupe will be displaying their hand made books at the gallery too. I really want to see those, wish I could go. It's such a great idea to get the local community involved in art. Hopefully there will be some photos online later. I don't have an artist list yet, but here is the info, and gallery website,
March of the Unicorns
March 4th–25th
The Lichen
2810 N. 48th St.
Lincoln, NE 68510

I got the final proof for "Billie the Unicorn" a few weeks ago. It will be hard bound, and the color came out really close to the original artwork. I've been giddy since then. I don't have an exact date when the books will be here, but they will definitely be at Wondercon in San Francisco March 31-April 3. I will be at the Immedium table, hopefully with a few extra goodies. Never been to San Francisco or Wondercon before, looking forward to adding a bunch of new art books to my collection!
Recent Youtube favorite! Why does Studio 4°C have to be so awesome? I was lucky and had dinner with one of the directors while in Tokyo. Interesting talk on the differences of which animation principles are taught in US schools vs Japan's. Seems like we start with sack and ball bounce animations, they focus on composition first.
Barfy composition.