Nobody blow themselves up with fireworks. 'Cause that is BAD!!!! Be safe and make sure your bbq'd meat is fully cooked, as to prevent Ecoli and other intestinal illness'. Beast Boy's Patriotic Gerbils. Yay. Clicky for hidden drawrings... Exercise your freedom to watch wobbly, molecular-ly unstable kittens!! They could explode at any moment!
Thanks for all the posts on the crappy pig/turtle drawing. I felt bad so I tried to make a dragon. Markers make me dizzy. I have no idea what this post-it is about. I don't remember. Sanrio says "Buy Hello Kitty. Buy our crap, children. Now."
Found this making the rounds online via It's a flash short called "Animator vs Animation". It was created by a young lad named Alan Becker. Anyone who deals with Flash all day will probably find this funny. Brings back stuffy air memories of being stuck in the college computer lab for days. Start seeing things after awhile. Here's a stinky obligatory sketch for Monday. Hooray.
There is a benefit show for Hurrican Katrina this Saturday at Nucleus. There will be a ton of artists donating artwork, 6x4 in, each piece will be taken off the wall as it is sold. So show up early if there is something you want. There is sure to be some beautiful stuff on the walls. I wish I had more time to redo it. There's too much going on in this drawing. Poop.
Power In Numbers Show: all artwork for $100 Hosted By: Nucleus Gallery When: Saturday Jun 17, 2006 at 7:00 PM Where: Gallery Nucleus 30 West Main St. Alhambra, CA 91801
There are quail in the orchard with little round babies. I didn't get a picture of them. Here are some photos of potato fields and apple orchards. I don't know how to make a tutorial about color, but just observing what's around you can help! Lots of home.
I get to visit my family this weekend to celebrate my Dad's birthday. We are having a bbq. The drawing above is my Dad as a potato, he doesn't have a beard but he does have a mustache. It is difficult to draw a potato that doesn't look like a turd. This was printed on a post-card for invites. Yay for schmancy art school so I can make a post card for his B-day. Yay!! Here's a funny video with a Daddy catipillar, and his baby.