In the meantime, here is a new image of Alabaster for some reason. Her armor makes no sense. Why is her belly exposed? Doesn't seem very smart, and for someone so stupid, why is her armor represented by an owl? That breast plate probably pokes her stomach every time she bends over.
On the subject of armor that makes no sense what so ever...
Here is some old stuff (some is sorta new) that I doodled while on "OOJH" and "3000".
I like drawing stupid, but it doesn't pay the billz.
"These guy are sick."
All these drawings have a horrible disease, called "Dissidia".
You may suffer from "Dissidia" if you display the following symptoms:
Chronic Amnesia, sharp pointy hair, attraction to buckles, belts, and zippers, depression, being randomly attacked by small animals, prone to setting yourself or others on fire, dependence on crystal substances, being ridiculously powerful for no good reason, bad English voice acting, and inability to have a coherent plot.
If you display any of these symptoms, buy Brianne a PSP, unless she wins the lottery and buys one herself. Preferably mint green version, and then it will sit with the DS collecting dust because she has no time to play video games. :(
Here are some photos of armor that really work in real life!
My Dad found a turtle trying to cross a road in a dangerous place. So he brought it home, but then took him to a nice sheltered area to live out the rest of his turtley days in peace. Dunno what type of turtle he is. He is pretty though. Pretty turtle.
Toonces wants to be buddies.
My parents recently had their 30th wedding anniversary. I was a bad daughter and was unable to make them anything cool.
Bonus videos that do not have turtles or armor:
OMG! otter baby
Funky birds from cuteoverload
DeathSponge Notepants
Back to work I go.
i used to have 6 turtles. they make very fun (if often smelly) pets.
cute little doodles! : D (and who can resist a baby otter, seriously!?)
I think Alabasters left hand is backwards...or vexes me.
Great post, Brianne. Chock full of the good stuff.
You and Edna Mode should have a cage match - Capes or NO Capes!
Doodle feast!!!
... now I'm all sleepy after that big cartoon meal.
remember, if you do get yourself a psp and are freelance you can claim it as tax detuctable! never go to a flim festival without mine loaded with my animations and drawings :D
great drawings, hope the storyboarding goes well, would love to see some!
ZSL- I had heard turtles can be stinky, but they are still cute.
LFW- I think that NSFW armor isn't meant for protection. Disgusting!
Daisy- Otters have the ultimate power.
JMJuet- You are right. I have a hard time putting the right hands on things when I'm sleepy. Sometimes they have six fingers too. :(
Crylic- Thanks!!
Battle- You should always go for a walk when you are sleepy.
Amy- Honestly, I agree with the no cape policy. Just for functionality. Although they are fun to draw.
Allyn- Ooooh I forgot the psp can actually be useful! Someday I may post the boards, but it won't be for awhile.
AHahahaha! You posted so many lovely things! But for some reason it's that doodle of Yuffie that's lodged itself in my brain, very silly! :D
Brihanne: I agree, but it makes even less sense, armour wise, I guess.
Sorry if I caused any trouble at work for you.
Hope the storyboards are coming along well
cheers to you
LFW- I think the image was hilarious! I didn't get into trouble.
When are they gonna announce the FFVI remake?! Yarr! Great Stuff PFG. I am someone who desires that you make a comic strip!
I'm wondering what kind of amaaazing stories you would come up with. Also have you thought about doing something like Kati Rice's Skadi, with Alabaster? It would be awesome+10 and... Otters+5?!
Beautiful sketches! That armor is magical powered by the owl spirits!
I don't think that armor is that outrageous. I mean, at lest it is covering her chest. To look at some fantasy art you'd wonder how women survive!
She's cute. And the elf-girl is also very cool.
KT Shy- All I remember about Yuffie is that she was a total spaz.
Jeffery- Alabaster is part of something I'm working on, I originally just did a doodle of her back in 2005.
Serapio- I think it is powered by owl poop.
Clio- Comics scare me. My story skills are abysmal.
aintshakespeare- Thanks! Survival of the dumbest I guess.
Lots of really cool characters here. There's never a bad picture on your blog.
exellent pics , you always inspire me to draw..but im always at work and when i go home I sleep and forget the lovely feeling your art gives me
psp sucks lives , and i didnt evne know that game existed..dangit !
Well, the armor may not make sense but these are beautiful drawings as always Miss Brianne!
Not making sense is the new making sense - some skater guy told me about this skater whose skateboard manoeuvres 'didn't even make sense', which was good - therefore: 'Brianne, that armour doesn't even make sense!'
Sick is the new healthy, methinks - and retarded is the new rational.
Cool Dissidia character - and she consorts with Moogles - that Moogle cosmography is cool to the max!- I had not realized that the Moogles had wings - that's retarded!
I am desiring that you make a comic strip....
All very cool!
coolest turtle... EVER.
WOW, HOW have i never been here?!
GREAT stuff, super-fun!
Those FF 7 sketches are priceless!
Your Moogles are cute!!!
!!!Moogle Power!!!
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