Thursday, August 25, 2005

scary panda shoes

Here are some interesting shoes my mom found online. I don't know which is more interesting, the orange color, the butt toe, or the insanely hyper Sanrio type panda on the toe.

  • Click for a full turn of the shoe

  • The shoe brand is called "Irregular Choice". Here are some more odd shoes from that maker. The one with corn on it is amusing, as is the snails, and what about those space man cowboy boots?

    Here is a drawing. Duh. It is of Jump Rope girl. I did a ton of sketches of her, but decided to not use her for "The Girl Show". So I guess I'll use her for something elseseses..


    Anonymous said...

    Those shoes are totally crazy! In a good way. I think the turtle flats and the space man cowboy boots would be the best though. (You and your mom have way too much free time, by the way.)

    PotatoFarmGirl said...

    What free time? We were IMing at midnight! Western Pacific time, both of us! We just like the in-ter-net.