Saturday, November 13, 2010


A bunny!

I have bunnies on the brain after watching Kathryn Calder's music videos. The album is really good too!

"Slip Away"
Directed by Dean Tzenos

Directed by: Jon Busby
Produced by: Jesse Davidge and Marc Demers
Produced at Blatant Studios, Vancouver BC

The "Monster Mythos" book I drew a griffin for is out! This is not the image I turned in for the book.
To purchase it, head over to

Playing around with the flip camera. I'm planning to make one more video, but that won't be up for awhile.


nemuri said...

So cute!<3
I'm glad to see the process of your drawing! You used markers, colored pencils, and watercolors. hehe, and the BGM from FF6(3) isn't it?XD

By the way, at last week I bought Unico's comics for you!:) I'll bring them at Comicket.;D
but they are written by Japanese only, I hope you like them!

David Lyman said...

Interesting! The first 1/6 of the video is spent drawing the bunny, the remaining 5/6 is spent on the coloring. I didn't realize how much work went into the coloring. Thanks for that, masterful work!


PotatoFarmGirl said...

Ooooh!!! Thank you! The BGM says it's from FF5, but I think it might be mislabeled. I need to find some goodies for you!

Coloring can take a long time, it depends on the the drawing. Sometimes I spend alot more time sketching.

Carrie said...

I was mesmerized by the video... really enjoyed that. When I draw, I never turn it around and around and around like you do... I might give that a try ;)

Thomas Perkins said...

Huzzah, my friend! As always, you are an inspiration!