Yay! Final Fantasy VI is coming to advance. Boo! It's easier than the first version, it's on a tiny screen, and I don't have time to play it! I gave my self an assignment last week, so
here's a contest. If anyone can email me all 17 of these characters' names, I will send them a surprise! (something small and lame, like a cookie, or a candy wrapper). Contest is over! I'm going to make some stuff to mail. Hope it doesn't suck.
Terra, Locke, Celes, Gau, Sabin, Edgar
Shadow, Interceptor, Relm, Strago, Cyan, Gogo, Setzer
Mog, Umaro, Ultros, Kefka
Congrats to all the nerds who actually knew their names and those who took the time to google. You are now official nerds.
Yoshitaka Amano did the original FF designs. His stuff is purdy. and weird.
I'm going to be busy bree this week hopefully! @U@
Really nice! I really like the sketch page on the bottom.
That must take lots of work to draw all the different characters!
Great work!!!=)
I really want to play all the Final Fantasy games, a friend of mine had it and I was jealous!XD
I only have a small Gameboy and play Pokemon sometimes!XD
These are WICKED Brianne! so awsome! you are indeed a pretty damn good artist, I can understand why you are so popular with the peeps!
I'd love to see your take on the characters from final fantasy seven (or is that eight? I always get the two mixed up) A squall or rinoa brianne style would definitely rock.
Also, I'm sending that book today, sorry it took so long, my bad
your fan
So I happened to wander into your blog a few weeks ago, and bookmarked it. I love FFVI! Best FF ever. Anyways, just thought I'd let you know those pictures rocked!
woah, fantastic drawings!!!
dont know if i can remember all the names though, the only one i remember is black waltz from ff9!
Fantastic work!!I LOVE love it!!!Final Fantasy VI RULES!!!But my favorite is Final Fantasy VII!!!
PS:Hey, I will send you a email!!All 17 characters' names!!!
These are very cool. I wish I could name them all and get a piece of garbage. Great blog.
Awesome! I wish I could play a video game you designed.
Hey, lady. I popped by your page to see if you had posted what we were talking about on Saturday night.
These are most awesome. I'm free on Wed, and Fri if you're coming by. CALL ME! I want to sing your praises in person.
LFW- I've played VI, VII, and IX. But maybe I'll draw Rinoa and Squall, but this week I actually have stuff to do! :D Yes! I like getting mail!
Nerd Goddess- FFVI 4 evah!
Lori- Ok, I will come by the happy cube Wednesday!
Chris- go get that Backyard Wrestling game for the PS2. I did concept for the Insane Clown Posse. Woo hoo.
It's really interesting to see all those good old characters in a new groovy look ^^ nice work! Wow you even drew the evil octopus! O_O feel nostalgic.
haha I actually had a color copy of a FF6 Drawing you made taped to my wall for the longest time, then tried to take it off and it tore and that was the end of it. Geeze that was years ago!
I got the new gameboy ff6 but I can't touch it because of work. I wan't to see what they added in this version *tears*
Simply Awesome!!!! My only wish is to watch an Awesome cartoon series of the game, with your designs, and it'd be the BEST EVAR!!!
Oh no Jake! I remember that drawing, I think I actually might have a copy of it in my apartment somewhere. HIDEOUS!!! circa 1996.
Jake, email me your address, I'll send you a crappy prize, 'cause you're old school.
These are lovely! I love how loose and fluid they are, ready to start running around the page!
... does... the knight actually have a chainsaw in the game?
Gah! If I wasn't so busy thumbing my way through FFIII on my DS I coulda entered the contest!
I guess that's the price you have to pay to level up your job status. I'm apparently some sort of geomancer!
I hope you get around to doing designs of the entire series!! or at least all the Cids.
ooh prize! I like prizes!
Closet Space-Yes he does.
One of the Hard Eight guys-I hate Cids!!! The one in VI has a very questionable outfit. :( I don't have time for games, have fun being a nerd.
really sweet line ups Brianne! I love em all!!
ha ha....great prize...
hey Bri, if you want to be part of the preorder, email me directly, tonight
b/c the print offer is over Friday.....
dropping books off tomorrow..
Final Fantasy VI was (along with XII) definitely the best. FFIX and IV hold my second and third spots. But I keep having this weird urge to re-play VIII, even though I hate Squall(...).
Your versions of the characters are great. They totally reminded me that Ultros is the #1 reason to play FFVI! :D
FFVI is the greatest RPG ever. Thanks for bringing some very fond memories back :)
I like your version of Kefka there, BD. You really nailed his craziness down :)
These are Frikkin beautiful!
Though I am only peripherally familiar with the games, Mog and Umaro are my favorites.
Oh, I'm a nerd???
damn brianne! those designs are way too cool! you must've went nuts designing all of em.
you make me WANT to be a FF nerd!
LOL...I never played FF but sure would if the characters looked like this ...those are great !
hooray!! great designs!
They are great character designs! Good luck!!
I'm not a big fan of FF, but these drawings are awesome! I might like the games of they all looked like this!
These bring delight to my heart.
they are great!
"Congrats to all the nerds who actually knew their names and those who took the time to google. You are now official nerds."
Do'h i feel so nerd now XD
hey i see your work in deviantArt!
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